Monzón, Barcelona, Dublín, Roma, Manchester, …? Thanks!

7 de julio 2013


Greetings to everyone from Manchester.

Today I still remember when I was living in Barcelona. For a person from Monzón town it was a radical change. To over these years I’ve been working in different cities. All it began in Barcelona, but nine years after I left Barcelona to go to Rome and start to collaborate with ROME REPORTS. During that first summer went to Dublin for collaborating with Church TV Services & Church Resources. One month after went back to Rome for continuing with the ROME REPORTS project. And today I’m here in Manchester…

Today I would want to write this article to thank all you during the last days have sent to me different messages of encouragement. As you know I’ve decided to put an end to my time at ROME REPORTS. During these half and two years I lived greats and unforgotten moments in this agency. I would like to thank to everyone the opportunity that they offered me.  I’ll be in ROME REPORTS until September. After I hope can start a new professional phase in other communication or marketing project. I have to define it yet.

Now I’m living in Manchester a new adventure during this month. I came here for improving my English level and collaborate with a social media agency, @Turn on, where am working in a SEO project for several brands. I’m writing diverse articles about shopping brand, events around the world, social media marketing, etc… I would like to thank to Marc Carroggio  who encouraged me to come here.

I stay in a residence with charming people that care about for me all time. They introduce me in some conversations for learning a little more. Thus I can improve my listening and comprehension. And in the office I’m surrounded of  a young people team who play ping pong after the lunch.

I recommend to everyone of you to ever live an experience like this.

Best regards from Manchester.

I am looking forward to receiving your comments.


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